Consumer Protection Information
Correct Training Systems provides consumer protection as part of its provision and delivery of quality training and assessment products and services.This is part of our obligation as an RTO to ensure that the rights of our clients, stakeholders, customers are protected and they are fully informed with clear accurate information.
We comply with the relevant Commonwealth and State Legislation and regulations to ensure consumer protection, including but not limited to the following:
- Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
- National Vocation Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Smart and Skilled NSW Quality Framework
- Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Strategy
- Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
- Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
- Australian Consumer Law 2011
We implement the following internal policies and procedures to ensure appropriate consumer protection:
- Complaints and Appeals Process
- Harassment policy
- Fees & Refunds
- Privacy Policy
- Student Discipline Policy
- Assessment Policy and Guidelines
- Continuous Improvement Policy
We provide accurate information to clients and student about rights and responsibilities by means of the student handbook.
We also provide information through various means such as marketing flyers, service proposals and agreements, confirmation correspondence, enrollment documentation. Information that protects consumer rights of our clients and students includes
- an accessible complaints procedure
- an accessible assessment appeal procedure
- an accessible fees and refunds policy
- an accessible privacy policy
Please contact The Operations Manager for any assistance or to access support services whilst undertaking training and assessment.
If consumer or student issues cannot be resolved by both parties in an timely mutually satisfactory manner, there is an option to seek assistance or a review from a range of independent organisations such as:
- Community Justice Centres 1800 990 777
- ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) Ph: 1300 701 801
- NSW State Training Services: State Training Services Customer Support Centre Ph: 1300 772 104
- NSW Ombudsman Ph: 02 9286 1000
- NSW Fair Trading Ph: 13 32 20
Students and other stakeholders will be provided with any information about any change in service arrangements or provision, licencing or regulatory requirements, that is likely to affect them in a timely manner. This may be done by individual written correspondence such as letters or emails or posting of general information on the CTS Resources website page or "The Correct News" newsletter.