Gary Kennedy's Profile
Gary has extensive food technology, food safety, quality assurance, auditing and consulting experience. Having completed a Bachelor of Science (Food Technology) Gary worked in Quality Assurance and Senior Technical positions in a range of large food production businesses, before establishing Correct Food Systems in 2003 - which is now one of Australia's leading independent food safety consultancy businesses.
Since establishing Correct Food Systems, Gary has worked with over 500 food manufacturers and food service providers across Australia, Asia and China. He is an approved regulatory auditor (NFSA High Risk) in NSW, Victoria and WA. Gary can audit, consult and train across a wide range of food standards and sectors. Gary has been acknowledged by his peers as an industry leader, and has been awarded Fellow member of AIFST and Life member of Institute of Hospitality in Healthcare.
Gary is a respected food safety specialist, and is often approached by the media to discuss food technology and food safety issues, including ABC Radio, Foxtel’s Channel V & Channel 7. Gary has an uncanny ability to distill and simplify complex information, to its essence, ensuring learners build their knowledge in a practical, relevant manner. He has an engaging coaching manner, and yet is a skilled professional presenter.
Key Achievements and Experience
- Healthcare - Food Safety Consultant to NSW Healthshare, Ramsay Health. Institute of Hospital Catering Member: contributing author to Hospital Catering Guidelines. Life Member of Institute of Hospitality in Healthcare.
- Cook Chill Food Production - Technical author of Sous Vide Supplement for Department of Health Victoria. Fellow Member of AIFST Cook Chill Group; contributing author to AIFST blue book. Specialist trainer for NFSA Audit a Cook Chill Process FBPAUD5002
- Food Technologist - Consultant to AXA XL Insurance
- Beverages - Auditor and Workplace Trainer and Assessor for Australian Bottled Water Institute. Food Technologist consultant for High Pressure Pasteurisation (HPP) processing plant and several coffee manufacturers
- Continuous Improvement Program - Continuous Improvement and Engagement Program ISO9001 for NSW Healthshare
- Smallgoods - Food Safety Consultant to numerous artisan smallgoods manufacturers. Smallgoods judge for NSW Royal Agricultural Society. Contributing author to Smallgoods Industry Guidelines.
- Food Service and Retail - Food Safety Consultant to ALDI
- NFSA Auditor High Risk
- Regulatory Auditor in NSW, Vic, WA
- Cook Chill
- Food Service for vulnerable populations
- HACCP Food Safety Plans
- Recall coordination
- Expert legal opinion
- Media Management
- Food Labelling
- ISO9000
- ISO2200
- Bachelor of Science (Food Technology)
- Advanced Diploma of Management 60407
- TAE 40416
- Life Member of Institute of Hospitality in Healthcare
- Approved Allergen Bureau VITAL trainer
- NSW Food Authority approved trainer for Food Safety Supervisor
- Fellow AIFST