Sous vide is a cooking method where food is cooked in sealed pouches or air tight plastic bags at exact - sometimes low - temperatures.The sous vide method is now used for many retail foods including ready meals for sale, some catered foods, and some items at restaurants.Businesses using sous vide must know how to manage the food safety risks that are associated with this method of cookery.
To keep food safe:
Fact sheet from NSW Food Authority.
This document is required reading for the CTS Audit a Cook Chill Process training program.
To keep food safe:
- prepare thinner portions of food so that heating and cooling are rapid
- keep water bath temperatures at 55°C or hotter
- limit the time food is cooked at cooler than 55°C to no more than 6 hours
- use quality equipment with adequate heating capacity and excellent temperature control
- check water and/or food temperatures with an accurate, tip-sensitive digital thermometer accurate to 0.1°C
- store prepared foods for no more than 5 days
- do not compound multiple risks, for example, if meat has been mechanically tenderised do not cook large portions for a long time at low temperatures.
Fact sheet from NSW Food Authority.
This document is required reading for the CTS Audit a Cook Chill Process training program.

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