Here is a copy of Codex HACCP (2023 version)
2023 Version
For use in all HACCP training and Auditing food safety training.
Download this file for use in training or workplace.

codex_haccp_2023.pdf |
✓ Correct Training Systems |
Here is a copy of Codex HACCP (2023 version)General Principles of Food Hygiene. Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice, No.CXC 1-1969. 2023 Version For use in all HACCP training and Auditing food safety training. Download this file for use in training or workplace. ![]()
CTS has a list of food safety controls used and the validated reference source of the controls ![]()
CTS has provided a sample internal audit report to demonstrate the level of detail required in audit reports submitted for FBPAUD5002 Audit a cook chill process. This is not a full audit report nor an true indicative sample but an amended sample of typical audit reporting and findings. ![]()
CTS students are able to access a sample HACCP 2020 Manual, to support their learnings. This sample is fictitious and has been abridged. It is not fully complete with small sections of information deleted. It does provide a sample of a HACCP 2020 structure and typical procedures in a HACCP FSP. It contains a sample of a RECALL procedure suitable for a HACCP certified business. ![]()
All GFSI and HACCP programs now require the business to build a positive food safety culture at work by developing awareness, empowerment and commitment to food safety.
There is a 2 minute free online U Tube video introducing the topic of "What is Food Safety Culture", produced by Safe Food Production QLD. It may be a useful introduction to staff to start discussion about the importance of building a positive Food Safety Culture. Codex Alimentarius The General Principles of Food Hygiene CXC 1- 1969 has been updated in late 2020. Changes include:
Correct Food Systems will be working with our clients to make any required adjustment to HACCP plans. We will be allowing adequate time for businesses make the necessary changes to their HACCP plans. Download Codex HACCP 2020 below. Register now for a Update - HACCP Refresher 2020 trainng ![]()
NSW Food Authority has a new information guide on Cleaning and Sanitising. This is available on the NSW Food Authority website in various languages. ![]()
Click here to download a simple audit report to use in your workplace. ![]()
FSANZ Food Standards Code 3.2.2.
Food Standards Practices and general requirements The NSW Food Authority has updated the learning resource for Allergen Management, that is to be taught as part of the Food Safety Supervisor training program, delivered by NSW Food Authority approved RTO's.
This updated resource encourages food safety supervisors to ensure food handlers who work in retail and food service businesses to know the 10 common allergens (including Lupin to be declared as a allergen form May 2018) and food intolerances, and be aware of business responsibilities regarding communicating allergen information in food for sale. Other key messages in this resource are:
.The NSW Food Authority has published a module of learning aimed to inform Food Safety Supervisors and businesses of their legal responsibilities, under the NSW Food Act 2003.
Key messages:
This also contains information on potential penalties ( fines) should a business or food handler be breach of the NSW Food Act 2003. Businesses, Food Safety Supervisors, or Managers should be aware of the application of the Food Safety Standards, the laws and regulations in their state or territory and the potential for fines, criminal convictions or even prison time. The Victorian Department of Health & Human Services Food Safety Unit has an excellent online learning resource (which was recently updated) called "DoFoodSafely". This hour long food safety program is free to use and covers the basic concepts and principles of food safety with recently updated content including more allergen specific information. It provides the underpinning knowledge of food safety that applies to safe food handling. The program includes seven topics on food safety and an assessment comprising of 30 multiple choice questions (this may increase over time). Participants who score more than 90 per cent in the assessment are awarded a certificate. The certificate of completion will have the users name on it, along with a date and certificate number. Participants will have to have an email address to receive the certificate. Please keep certificate in a safe place as a duplicate certificate will not be made available. Participants who complete the whole on-line course will be able to:
The link to the online food safety training is Completion of this online training course and print out of the certificate are used as pre-reading and assessment of basic food safety knowledge in the Implement HACCP Food Safety Systems and Food Safety Supervisor training course. Instructions:
![]() This 3rd Edition, November 2016 updated reference provides guidance to the three food safety standards in Chapter 3 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code). Businesses can use the guidance information to help them to comply with the standards. It also provides new guidance for mobile, temporary and home-based vendors, as well as generic food safety record templates. Down load the new version of Safe Food Australia The FSANZ website also launched a "Food Safety Hub", as a page that provides links to
Compendium updated in 2022 The Compendium of Microbiological Criteria for Food is a food industry resource, published by FSANZ. It is a microbiological guideline criteria used for ready-to-eat foods. It also provides microbiological criteria that can be used to verify hygiene measures or control of processing. It supersedes the Guidelines for the microbiological examination of ready-to-eat foods and User guide to Standard 1.6.1 - Microbiological Limits for Food with additional guidelines criteria. This compendium brings together information on:
Queensland Health has a excellent checklist for businesses to use to check their responsibilities under the Queensland Food Act and also the Food Standards Code. A useful checklist with suggested records for all businesses ![]()
FSANZ have released a word doc template to assist businesses to complete and plan for a recall Th template can be downloaded form FSANZ website, and used along with the recall protocol. There are also templates for wording letters to customers. ![]()
Queensland Health have a excellent guide on the design and fitout of food premises, using information in Standard 3.2.3 and Australian Standard 4674-2004: Design, construction and fit-out of food premises. It aims to provide users seeking further information on how to comply with the requirements of the Standard with acceptable solutions on how they may meet the outcomes. The guide also provides some best practice options for those food businesses that choose to demonstrate a higher level of compliance. ![]()
CSIRO "Make it Safe" is an excellent text on food safety, providing a solid foundation of information about food safety, within Australia.
Order the text from CSIRO. ACT Health has a series of food safety posters with basic food safety information.
These series of posters are available in a range of languages. Food Safety Posters - Vietnamese Food Safety Posters - Urdu Food Safety Posters - Amharic Food Safety Posters - Arabic Food Safety Posters - Thai Food Safety Posters - Hindi Food Safety Posters - Korean Food Safety Posters - Chinese (Simplified) Food Safety Posters - Chinese (Traditional) Food Safety Posters - Japanese Food Safety Posters - Turkish
![]() NSW Food Authority has a food safety fact sheet providing guidance on food safety risks as applied to takeaway chicken retail shops. ![]()
Queensland health has a detailed guidance sheet on labelling information.
Available as a download . ![]() Victoria Health has an excellent information fact sheet on each allergen listing common foods where each allergen is found. Be more aware of allergens in your products. Download your copy here. This guide explains the temperature control requirements in Food Safety Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements and provides some advice on how to comply with the requirements applied to Potentially Hazardous Foods. Potentially hazardous food has a legal definition in Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements. It means food that has to be kept at certain temperatures to minimise multiplication of any food-poisoning bacteria that may be present in the food or to prevent the formation of toxins in the food. Download this guidance material here: |
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