qualification using SIRRFSA001A unit from the Retail Industry training package.
This outlines the content and requirements of the unit to be achieved.

release_2_sirrfsa001a_apply_retail_food_safety_practices.docm |
✓ Correct Training Systems |
Download the unit of competency for the Food Safety Supervisor qualification using SIRRFSA001A unit from the Retail Industry training package. This outlines the content and requirements of the unit to be achieved. ![]()
Simple instructions from the NSW Food Authority on how to calibrate thermometer probes- hot and cold temperatures.
From Food Safety Guidelines for the preparation of raw egg products. NSWFA Foods that contain raw or lightly-cooked egg are often used in food service and retail businesses. Menu items that have raw and lightly cooked eggs as ingredients need extra care, as they can cause food poisoning if not handled correctly.
Large foodborne illness outbreaks have been associated with foods made from raw eggs including:
Alternatives include commercially produced dressings and sauces, or pasteurised egg product. If your business continues to use raw eggs in menu items that are not or lightly cooked then these items require particular care, following the guidelines for safe preparation of raw egg products. Egg safety in a particular focus area for the NSW Food Authority because of its link to Salmonella food poisoning instances. Please use the resources of the NSW Food authority to manage you safe use of eggs within your business. In 2012 NSW made it a requirement for businesses that had 20 or more outlets in NSW or 50 or more in Australia to provide nutrition ( kilojoule information) on standard menu items. This initiative is being promoted to consumers as 8700.com.au
Standard food outlets must display the following nutrition information: • the average kJ content of each standard food item for sale by the standard food outlet, expressed in kilojoules (kJ), and • the reference statement ‘The average adult daily energy intake is 8700 kJ’. For further information review the information on the NSW Food Authority website or guideline here
Here is a generic suggestion of responsibilities for a HACCP team leader- food processing and food distribution. Use this as a start to document the responsibilities you have as a HACCP team leader or team member. ![]()
Here is a short presentation to Health officers prepared by Paul Goldsmith, Department of Health, on sous vide cooking.It outlines the process of sous vide cookery, the science behind sous vide, minimum cooking times, development of the Victorian Health sous vide supplement and key issue for consideration in the supplement. ![]()
Australia has Food Safety Standards that apply to all food business.
These are: 3.2.1 Food Safety Programs 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment Some food businesses also have additional mandatory standards or voluntary Customer/ Supplier standards to comply with, such as import and export approved arrangements, HACCP certification, and Global food standards such as BRC, SQF, ISO22000. Food businesses also have specific responsibilities relating to: 1.Prevent contamination of food 2.the health of people who handle food, 3.the provision of hand washing facilities, 4.making food handlers aware of their health and hygiene obligations 5.Protect the privacy of food handlers Download CTS's summary of food safety program and responsibilities here. An internal audit is any audit completed by or on behalf of the company. Effective internal audits are vital to your business as they enable a site to demonstrate whether control systems are working correctly and effectively, and help you identify areas for improvement It verifies the application of the food safety plan, and its actual implementation. So your internal audit should have two aims:
This internal audit report can be used to complete a part of the assessment for the "Implement HACCP Food Safety Systems" training course, or your company specific internal audit report ![]()
This guide provides an simple introduction into the principles of food safety. Although aimed at domestic consumers the information is sound and applicable to most food businesses. An excellent introduction to food safety. https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/about/publications/policiesandguidelines/Your%20Guide%20to%20Food%20Safety. Download the file here for pre reading to our Food Safety Supervisor Course or Implement HACCP Food Safety Systems training course. ![]()
This is a guideline document to Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements. This Standard sets out specific requirements for food businesses and food handlers that, if complied with, will ensure food does not become unsafe or unsuitable. This Standard specifies process control requirements to be satisfied at each step of the food handling process. Some requirements relate to the receipt, storage, processing, display, packaging, distribution disposal and recall of food. Other requirements relate to the skills and knowledge of food handlers and their supervisors, the health and hygiene of food handlers, and the cleaning, sanitising, and maintenance of premises and equipment. Download this Guideline here. This document is recommended reading for all of the CTS training programs. ![]()
Sous vide is a cooking method where food is cooked in sealed pouches or air tight plastic bags at exact - sometimes low - temperatures.The sous vide method is now used for many retail foods including ready meals for sale, some catered foods, and some items at restaurants.Businesses using sous vide must know how to manage the food safety risks that are associated with this method of cookery. To keep food safe:
Fact sheet from NSW Food Authority. This document is required reading for the CTS Audit a Cook Chill Process training program. ![]()
Use this evidence checklist to ensure you supply enough evidence of meeting the requirement for unit FDFAU4004A. Available in word document download here.
This guideline prepared by the NSW Food Authority explains the mandatory requirements detailed in current legislation and the Food Standards Code 3.3.1. It covers Licencing requirements that apply; Specific issues for a food safety program for a 3.3.1 licenced facility; Menu design; Preparation and Storage of ready to eat foods( not cooked); Cook Serve foods; Cook Chill foods; Preparation of texture modified and pureed foods; preparation of infant formula; Allergen control. It acts reference material for Cook Chill food preparation, HACCP and food safety programs, and auditing facilities that prepare and serve food to vulnerable populations. This document is recommended reading for the CTS Audit a Cook Chill Process training program. ![]()
The Allergen Bureau has published a PDF of a presentation on Allergen Fundamentals.
This resource can be downloaded from the Allergen Bureau here. This free resource is provided by the Allergen Bureau for:
![]() The NSW Food Authority has a paper outlining the food safety precautions that need to be followed when using a sous vide method of cookery.Sous vide meas a process of cooking under vacuum in sealed pouches (oxygen barrier bags), at precise (and sometimes low) temperatures and often for long times. Sous vide can be used to prepare foods with an extended shelf life, using cook chill food production methods. This NSW Food Authority paper provides technical information to guide the application of sous vide as a method of cookery in food service. This document is required reading for the CTS Audit a Cook Chill Process training program. ![]()
Information for prospective students undertaking FBPAUD5002 Audit a Cook Chill Process. Ensure cook chill audit are witnessed by a qualified food safety auditor. ![]()
These videos can be used to help managers, team leaders, supervisors and workplace trainers understand what workplace literacy and numeracy is and why it is important. They show some of the potential risks if workplace literacy and numeracy is not addressed and how it affects every business and workforce at all levels.. See Ideas that work for assistance to improve language Literacy and Numeracy in your workplace
http://ideasthatwork.com.au/what-works-for-lln/video-library/category/9 |
Correct Food Systems-