The NSW Food Authority has “General Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of a Food Safety Program”, “Food Safety Program Template” as guidance documents. un licenced businesses. This template is based on the principles of HACCP, but does not meet all requirements for a certified HACCP food safety program. It is not suitable for NSW Food Authority licenced business.
If using these document to develop your Food Safety Program then you must adapt these to fit your business, products,compliance and and market requirements, and to ensure that all potential food safety hazards are correctly identified and appropriately controlled.You are advised to seek independent professional advice in relation to any query you may have regarding the legal obligations and regulatory compliance requirements.
If using these document to develop your Food Safety Program then you must adapt these to fit your business, products,compliance and and market requirements, and to ensure that all potential food safety hazards are correctly identified and appropriately controlled.You are advised to seek independent professional advice in relation to any query you may have regarding the legal obligations and regulatory compliance requirements.